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Published 10-04-2014 Category Indy Artists Read 2578 times

Mörlok by Daniel de Lafoix

Early 16th Century. It is a time of werewolves, heresy and witchcraft ... These are the Years of Fire, and as two legendary immortals meet for the first time, Europe will never be the same.

Morlok Issue 2 - Rise of the Revenants

This book is quite clearly a labour of love for writer and artist de Lafoix, a rigorously researched and imaginatively brought to life horror fable that reveals the secret history of Europe during the 16th century. Promising a final battle in the year 1789 between weary immortal wanderers and a demonic force that prowls the countryside for victims, the story begins three centuries before then, with the meeting of the Count de St. Germain and the Wandering Jew (here taking the name of George Croly's Salathiel) said to have been present during the time of Christ and punished with ever-lasting life until his return. When his attempt to recruit St. Germain to fight the 'true evil' stalking Europe fails, the 'older' immortal resorts to a rather extreme method of convincing, allowing himself to be burnt at the stake.


"Remember young man - the Demon prevails, should we that are gifted tarry"


The merging of fact and fable, historical events and supernatural occurrences, is all deftly delivered here. Attempts at verisimilitude in the story benefit from the rampant fear of vampires and werewolves that persisted from the Middle Ages onwards, as discussed in The Vampire of Ropraz by Jacques Chessex. De Lafoix also introduces swashbuckling action and horror too though, sidestepping accusations of esotericism. Mörlok impresses with its exhaustive detail, but also ambition. There is nothing else on the stands right now like it - well worth investigating.


– Emmet O'Cuana, The Momus Report